FIXD ($59.99) is OBD2 Bluetooth Adapter that pairs with your phone or tablet and works with a companion mobile app. The app is free and available at Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Add-on is also available with an annual subscription of $59.99. In addition to the features of an OBD2 scan tool, FIXD offers vehicle’s maintenance schedules and reminders and allows you to keep track of consumable items like tires, wipers, and battery. The price of $59.99 is just a middle between professional-grade adapters (e.g. BlueDriver $99) and budget adapters (e.g. BAFX Products $22). Here is FIXD OBD2 Bluetooth Adapter review.
User-Friendly App with push notification
The FIXD adapter works with exclusively the FIXD mobile app. It has a good design. It’s easy to navigate and comfortable to look at. In the Timeline tab, the app shows typical maintenance checklists and recommended replacing items based on mileage. Each list has a clickable link to Amazon so you can shop the necessary parts and items. In the Wear Items tab, you can keep track of consumable items. There are four items, battery, tire, wiper, and oil. You have to manually enter the date and mileage of last replaced. The app sends you a push notification to remind you to check the items based on time and miles since you replaced them last time.
Is mileage automatically updated?
The app just adds a daily average mileage every day. The average is calculated based on the one you first enter and another one you enter the next time you use the app. To make it more accurate, you need to manually enter the mileage in the Timeline.
Diagnostics features
You can read and clear trouble codes just like many other OBD2 adapters. However, the codes you can get with FIXD are limited to engine trouble codes (e.g. generic codes P0### and manufacturer-specific codes P1####). You can’t access to ABS, Airbag, TPMS modules (aka Enhanced Diagnostics) with FIXD. The listings of online retailers such as Amazon, Bestbuy, and Target or even its website described that it can perform Enhanced Diagnostics. But, there are no successful reports regardless of vehicles years, makes, and models.
FIXD also has a feature of freeze frame data, which is a snapshot of various engine data at the time the trouble code is stored in the engine computer. You can see live data and customize them in a gauge or graph style.
Other features
FIXD has some other features like “Trip Mode”, “Fighter Pilot Mode”, and “Navigation”. All these features can flip the display so you can use as a head-mounted display.

Lack of I/M monitors (aka I/M readiness or smog checks)
I/M monitor is the feature to let you know if your vehicle is ready for a state inspection. It’s a very basic feature that even many inexpensive OBD2 scan tools have. FIXD, somehow, lacks this feature. However, the feature is included as one of the premium features, which require an annual subscription of $59.99.
FIXD Premium
The premium features also include “FIXD mechanic hotline”, “confirmed fix reports from Identifix”, and more details of the trouble codes. You have an option to subscribe monthly for $7.99. Both options include a one-week free trial.

Manage multiple vehicles in one app
You can use one FIXD adapter to get the trouble codes from multiple vehicles. However, one FIXD adapter is designed to leave it plugged to one vehicle to make the most of the features of the adapter and app. With one adapter plugged per vehicle, you can keep track of the vehicle’s maintenance schedules and information about consumable items. And, when check engine light turns on, the app sends you a push notification. If you have multiple vehicles and plug FIXD adapters to each vehicle, you can manage them all in one FIXD app.
Who is FIXD for?
“FIXD OBD2 Professional Bluetooth Scan Tool & Code Reader for iPhone and Android” This is the title of FIXD adapter at The adapter is obviously not professional-grade and not for professional mechanics. And, I can’t recommend this adapter for DIYers or those who have some knowledge about an automobile, either.
Why? First of all, speaking of the features of maintenance schedules and reminders, it doesn’t tell you the exact condition of wear items. You also need to enter mileage manually to get things accurate. All it does is to send a notification. Vehicles have indicator lights on an instrument panel do the same job in the first place. The features of maintenance schedules and reminders are useless for those who have basic knowledge about an automobile.
What about the diagnostics features? FIXD adapter can scan vehicle computer and retrieve the diagnostics trouble codes, but it’s limited to the engine computer. Unlike truly professional-grade adapters such as BlueDriver and OBDLink MX+, FIXD can’t scan ABS, airbag, TPSM, etc. Besides, it lacks the feature of I/M monitors. If you just want to access the engine computer, many inexpensive OBD adapters can do the same job.
For those who own multiple vehicles, isn’t it convenient to manage them all in one mobile app? Yes. But, it will cost you more because you need multiple adapters for each vehicle. Say you own three cars and buy three adapters. 3-pack FIXD costs $139.99. Again, if you have basic knowledge about the automobile and pay attention to indicator lights on each vehicle, you don’t need FIXD to tell you maintenance schedules and stuff. For a check engine light, instead of buying three FIXD adapters, just get one BlueDriver for $99.95 for engine diagnostics of all your vehicles. Plus, BlueDriver generates repair reports from Indentifix and performs Enhanced Diagnostics without charging additional costs or subscriptions.
If you have little knowledge about an automobile, FIXD may be beneficial. With the FIXD app, you can get familiar with various maintenances and those schedules. When a check engine light is on, you may get less panic because you can scan the engine computer right away. And it will give you a rough idea what’s going on with the engine.
- User-friendly app
- Maintenance schedules and reminders
- Keep track of the condition of wear items
- Manage multiple vehicles with one app (if multiple adapters plugged to each vehicle)
- Need to enter mileage manually to get accurate maintenance schedules and reminders
- Just logs and reminders, not actually tell you the exact condition of wear items
- Lack of the feature of I/M monitors (available as an add-on feature that needs a subscription)
- No Enhanced Diagnostics
- Not compatible with third-party apps
- Not compatible with Windows devices
- The total costs add up by subscription (optional)
FIXD OBD2 Bluetooth adapter has the features of maintenance schedules and reminders and keeping track of wear items in addition to engine diagnostics features. The adapter is designed to leave it plugged to one vehicle to make the most of the FIXD features. If you have multiple vehicles, plug one adapter per vehicle, and you can manage them all in one FIXD app. You can scan the engine computer and get the trouble codes. No Enhanced Diagnostics regardless of years, makes and models. It lacks the feature of I/M monitors. This feature is included as a Premium feature along with “FIXD mechanic hotline”, “confirmed fix reports from Identifix”, and more details of the trouble codes. A subscription $7.99/mo or $59.99/yr is required for the Premium features. The price of FIXD adapter $59.99 is a bit too expensive for overall features. But, it may be good to get familiar with maintenance lists and schedules for those who have little knowledge about an automobile.