The advent of technology is impressive. As time goes by, electronic development and improvement are faster and faster. Manufacturers release an updated version of their products every year. A brand new electronics you buy today will be out of date in a couple of years. Let’s say you want to upgrade your electronics. What will you do with the old one? Many retailers like Bestbuy, Staples, Target, and Walmart offer a trade-in program that you can exchange your item with store credit. Amazon has a trade-in program, too. And, they have a promotion along with the trade-in program through September 27th, 2019.
Here are Amazon’s limited-time promotions
- Trade-in an old Kindle for Amazon gift card and 25% promotional discount towards a current-generation of Kindle E-reader purchase.
- Trade-in an eligible tablet for Amazon gift card and 25% promotional discount towards a current-generation of Fire tablet purchase.
- Trade-in an eligible streaming media player for $0.99 Amazon gift card and 20% promotional discount towards Fire TV Stick 4K or Fire TV Cube purchase.
- Trade-in an eligible Echo device or Bluetooth speaker for Amazon gift card and 25% promotional discount towards a current generation of Echo device purchase.
Kindle E-reader Limited-Time Promotion
Let’s see the detail of each promotion. First, the promotion of Kindle E-reader would give you the biggest promotional discount of all. The newest Kindle Oasis (10th gen w/free cellular connectivity) costs $349.99. A discount will be $87.50.
In order to get a discount, you have to trade any kindle device in. The amount of Amazon gift card you get with the trade-in varies by models and conditions. The lowest amount is $5, and even non-working devices are eligible. Even if you don’t own an old Kindle E-reader now, it may be worth buying a cheap used one for this trade-in and promotion. Even a broken one is OK as long as it’s not fake.
If you look for a used one, eBay will be the best place. Please note that any version of Kindle E-reader is eligible but not Fire tablets. Earlier versions of Fire tablets are called “Kindle Fire.” They are not E-readers but Tablets and not eligible for the Kindle promotion.
Fire Tablet Limited-Time Promotion
The promotion of Fire Tablet also gives you a 25% discount towards a current generation of Fire tablet purchase. The most expensive item you can apply the promotional discount is Fire HD 10″ 32GB ($149.99). You have to send your old tablet for the trade-in and promotion. A trade-in value varies by models and conditions. Even non-working tablets are eligible. It’s worth noting that eligible tablets for the promotion are not limited to Amazon Fire tablets. Many other brands like Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google, Lenovo, Asus, and more are also eligible. If you are interested in a new Fire tablet, you may want to check if there is an unused tablet in a drawer.
Fire TV Stick 4K / Cube Limited-Time Promotion
The promotion of Fire TV Stick 4K or Fire TV Cube gives you a 20% discount towards a purchase of either item. You have to trade a streaming media play in to get the promotional discount. Eligible items are not only Amazon Fire TV devices but also Roku, Apple TV, and Google Chromecast. Interestingly, you will get a flat trade-in value of $0.99 regardless of model and condition.
Echo device Limited-Time Promotion
The promotion of new Echo devices gives you a 25% discount towards the purchase of a current generation of Echo device. Eligible items for trade-in and promotion are not only Echo devices but also Bluetooth speakers from other brands. If you plan to purchase a new Echo device and you have unused Bluetooth speaker, you should check if it’s eligible for the promotion. Even if you don’t have an old item to send for trade-in, it may be worth buying a used item from somewhere to get a promotional discount. You can easily find a used Echo Dot 2nd gen for a cheap price on eBay.
Lastly, some things to note
- Each promotion is limited to one per customer and account
- You have 14 days to send out your item for a trade-in
- The promotions are available through September 27th, 2019
- The promotional discount will expire on November 30th, 2019
Visit the Amazon Trade-In page to see full details of the Trade-in program and promotion. If you already have a product in mind, go to the amazon listing page of that product, and click “Upgrade and save with Trade-in” on an upper right-hand corner to start.